Frequently Asked Questions
Will debt settlement affect my credit?
The real question is
how much credit exists? With a high amount of debt will a creditor lend? Consumer
credit scores are based on more than just timeliness of bill payments. Debt-to-income
ratio plays a part in the total FICO picture. Debt settlement can decrease FICO scores
however our network of financial professionals have proven methods to help rebuild your
credit quickly and effectively once you are out of debt. Remember, the goal is to get out
of debt first, not use credit to get into more debt.
Customer Service?
We only use prestigious law firms and
attorneys who represent their clients throughout the debt settlement process. We also
partner with a network of financial affiliates to help with all elements of financial stability.
Some unaccredited companies take on clients that are
not suited for debt settlement. Additionally, clients of debt companies do not enjoy the power
of an attorney on their side. Some debt settlement companies take the client's money and do
nothing. These types of debt settlement companies have tarnished the industry. Our client
retention rates are much higher than non-attorney debt settlement companies. We strive to
provide transparency and integrity throughout the process. Debt settlement requires both a
commitment from the client and the law firm to ensure that they are successful in
achieving debt relief.
Written in most credit card contracts is the ability
for the credit card company to sue a cardholder even if they are only one day late on a payment.
The likelihood of lawsuits is low but is always a possibility. Our attorneys know how to keep lawsuits
to a minimum because they understand that litigation is costly for both parties.
Tax Consequences?
Forgiven debt amounts are seen
as taxable income by the IRS. Contact a tax professional and they can advise on
how partial insolvency may be shown to lessen tax liability.
Do it myself?
Debt settlement can be performed by the
consumer directly however, consumers usually can only communicate with the in-house
collections department. Our attorneys communicate with the loss mitigation department,
which in some instances the public cannot access. This is the same department
that oversees short sales in real estate.